South Carolina
Currently no active RFPs in South Carolina
Other Grant Opportunities
The Duke Energy Foundation is focused on strengthening and uplifting communities with grant funding. We accept grant applications for $20,000 or less throughout the year on a rolling basis.
Area representative and eligible counties
Grant questions? Contact Amanda Dow.
A-D | F-K | L-O | P-Z |
Abbeville | Fairfield | Lancaster | Pickens |
Anderson | Florence | Laurens | Saluda |
Cherokee | Georgetown (Andrews area only) |
Lee | Spartanburg |
Chester | Greenville | Marion | Sumter |
Chesterfield | Greenwood | Marlboro | Union |
Clarendon | Horry (Aynor & Green Sea area only) |
Newberry | Williamsburg |
Darlington | Kershaw | Oconee | York |
Dillon |